Become a member
Why join Landcare?
Local groups are a great source of information and discussion on a wide variety of local land management topics. Working together with neighbouring property owners has far reaching environmental benefits for everyone involved, and of course the land.
Urban groups are an excellent way of getting involved in making improvements to our urban environments. Activities such as tree planting along creeks and rivers, weed identification and removal, litter clean up and watching for wildlife are all great projects for urban groups.
Junior Landcare groups get kids engaged in vegetable gardening, bushtucker and sensory gardening, learning what’s in the soil and how to care for the environment every day.
All members who join a group or the Network as an independent member are ensured to be kept ‘in the loop’ with upcoming events. Our Network staff are here to assist in any way possible and work closely with all the groups within the region. The monthly Enews keeps our members up to date with funding availability, farm planning courses, field days and workshops, tree planting days, member discounts and much more.