Tanjil Valley Landcare Group
Tanjil Valley Landcare is a community group with a focus on improving the local environment, with keen interest in the preservation of Blue Rock Lake near Willow Grove.
The groups primary focus is maintaining the walking track along the shore of Blue Rock Lake which provides both habitat and aesthetic qualities to the Lake.
The group hold regular working bees to maintain and revegetation the track, the Lake provides a flagship project for the group.
The group has a strong community presence as they participate in National Tree Day, Clean up Australia and management of roadside weeds.
The group meets on the 3rd Thursday of every 2nd month, starting in January, from 6:30pm and usually sharing a meal before the meeting. Venue TBC.
President: John Crosby
Treasurer: Phill Taylor
Secretary: Caroline Hammond
Email Tanjil Valley at tanjilvalleylandcare@gmail.com or contact John Crosby on 0429 803 631.
Check out their Facebook or the Landcare Gateway for more information.