Gippsland Agroforestry Network Landcare SubGroup
Under the auspices of the Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network, the Gippsland Agroforestry Network or GAN is a Special Interest sub-group of people interested in producing, converting and marketing farm-grown timber. While it is set up under the LCLN its members have come from all over Gippsland, from Melbourne to Orbost, from Loch to Maffra and from Erica to Yarram and is open for all to belong. There is a wide skill base represented by the current members, all keen to pass on what they have learnt over the years.
GAN is committed to assisting farmers and landowners in maximising their returns from growing trees on their properties thereby enhancing the natural environment while promoting sustainable land management. GAN runs open field-days which demonstrate the activities required to plan, establish, manage, harvest and market the products of woodlots. A woodlot may range from a traditional plantation through wide-spaced agro-forestry woodlots to bio-rich agro-forestry woodlots of high bio-diverse value.
President: Peter Devonshire
Contact Peter Devonshire on ph: 0428 346 711 or email: peter@devtree.com.au to find our more information. You can also check out their website or the Landcare Gateway.