Narracan Landcare Group
Narracan Landcare Group has a long and proud history of being active to improve the local environment.
Current areas of interest are:
Water quality of Narracan Creek
Knowledge and understanding of platypus inhabitants of our waterways. Their presence indicates good quality water in our area. There is currently Australia wide concern about the loss of our platypus population due to environmental degradation.
Incidence of the Narracan Burrowing crayfish
Weed Identification and environmentally sensitive control methods in collaboration with official agencies such as Baw Baw Shire and Agriculture Victoria.
Use of drones to ease our work.
We joined with Delburn Landcare Group early in 2022 to pool skills, resources and knowledge together.
The group meets four times per year at the Narracan Primary School, where lunch is shared at 12 O’clock after which plans and work is underway.
The groups meets on the third Sunday of May, August, November and February. Just turn up and get involved! Please bring a plate to share if you are able.
Members are covered by Landcare insurance whilst at meetings or attending activities and membership is $25 per year for a person or a family.
Secretary: Rhiannon Weber
Contact Rhiannon Weber on ph: 0429 840 712 or email: to find out more information about the group. The Landcare Gateway also has key information about the group.