Flynn’s Creek Enhancement Program
This program is a continuation of the Victorian State Government funded, Love our Lakes program headed by the Gippsland Lakes Coordinating Committee.
Funding is available to support projects on private land and public land (with the approval of Crown Land authority).
This project will address the management of nutrients and sediment through the reduction of nutrient and sediment loads to the Gippsland Lakes. This will be achieved through riparian works on Flynn’s Creek and its tributaries. Riparian works will include stock proof fencing to prevent stock having direct access to the waterway, and revegetation works to create a vegetated buffer zone of at least 10 metres in width either side of the waterway to filter sediment and nutrient rich runoff.
The goal of this project is to engage landholders within the Flynns Creek area to fence off their water way and prevent stock access to the creek while revegetating these areas to stabilise banks and provide wildlife corridors through the landscape. LCLN staff will conduct site visits and assessments would be conducted using the standard LCLN assessment in which a project ranking system has been developed. These assessment sheets assist to prioritise projects based on 3 basic criteria:
Economic Value (Cost/Ha)
Ecological Value (environmental outcomes)
Landholder motivation/reputation
The objectives of this project are:
Improve water quality and reduce nutrient runoff into the Gippsland Lakes
Extend wildlife corridors along the creek through revegetating the buffer zones
Enhance Shade and Shelter along the creeks edge for stock
Application Process
Apply – Complete the accompanying application form, including a map (google map ok) and include any extra information to explain what you would like to achieve on your property.
Site inspections – A LCLN Project Officer will be out to assess your site early in 2023 to finalise the site plan and assess your project.
Ranking of projects – Proposed sites will be assessed by the Latrobe Catchment Landcare project committee and we will do what we can to assist as many landcare members as possible, as fairly as possible. We will advise you if we can/can’t fund your site.
Caroline Hammond
Project Manager
P: 0472 503 088
Find out more about the partnerships within the Love our Lakes Project and how our program helps to improve the Gippsland Lakes