Pest plants and animals threaten diverse environmental and agricultural assets across our region, and pose significant challenges to public and private land managers.

Weeds and pest animals cost everybody… this project seeks to reduce current and future costs by supporting
everyone to do their bit!

In 2024, regional land management agencies, community leaders and landholders met to discuss what could be done to improve weed and pest control across the region (access the summary report here). Apart from more investment - three other key messages came out loud and clear:

“More people doing their bit”

“Better coordination between management agencies and with landowners”

“Easier access to specialists, easy-to-understand information, and practical support”

Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network’s Weeds and Pest Animals - Community Awareness Project seeks do achieve this and more by providing our region with:

  • a full-day, family-friendly FREE weed and pest festival (more info below!)

  • guidance and support to establish 3 community reference groups (if you’d like to know more or get involved click the Weed and Pest Reference Group tile below!)

  • a selection of expert-led, half-day practical workshops

  • a series of specialist weed and pest animal webinars

  • a second regional multi-stakeholder forum to help coordinate weed and pest management activities in 2026

  • an easy-access, online information hub that guides everyone to the best information on all things weeds and pests

  • roadside education signs, and a ‘good neighbour brochure’ which helps everyone understand how they can help be part of the solution.

To find out more or get involved in this project please contact Project Manager Jo Kurpershoek on 0484 000 614 or email

The 2025 Latrobe Weeds and Pests Community Awareness & Capacity Building Project is supported by the Victorian Government through the Partnerships Against Pests Program.