Explore our Network Documents
This page allows you to explore key documents for the Network. These include a range of governing documents as well as annual reports from previous years.
The LCLN Prospectus is a great document as it describes in simple terms, the aims and objectives of the Networks work. Click on the buttons below each image to open the documents.
Network Documents
Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Explore the Networks aims and objectives for the future.
Regional Landcare Handbook for West Gippsland
This handbook is a great resource for new or old Landcare groups.
LCLN Prospectus
Snapshot of Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
LCLN Child Safe Statement
LCLN Constitution
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
LCLN's certification as a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation.

Annual Reports
Join us in celebrating another year of Landcare in the Latrobe Catchment.
LCLN have had a busy year assisting groups to find their groove post Covid. Staff changes and upgrades to our media platforms have given the Network a new lease on life. We look forward to the years ahead with many projects on the horizon.
This last year has been an interesting one from many viewpoints. Covid restrictions have had a major impact in many aspects of life, least of all in Landcare which is such a social calling.
Despite the challenges thrown at us all during 19/20, LCLN has continued to deliver Landcare messaging, good news stories and training events (albeit in a different format) to our Landcare members.
The year has been one of continued consolidation of ongoing projects and the further development of the network by our staff.
The past 12 months has been one of steady growth for our network. There have been many developments which have greatly increased the Network’s presence and strengthened its relationships with local councils and government agencies.